Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Verizon....... its everywhere

Verizon first of all for those that care is the phone carrier that I go through for my cell phone. But what i find is that the logo has gone relatively unchanged and they have used the same three colors red black and white. the words are usually white as scene in this picture but there are time wheres the check mark and the z are red and the rest of the text is in black. But what amazes me about his is that the it could only be the check mark and we would still jump to conclusion that it is Verizon. that it is such a recognized logo that we would never question if it represented another company.

Nutella the bread spread

Nutella something that up up until now has not been all that popular. and now everyone is trying to make there own. I see Hershey and jiff quickly joining the race of almond spreads. I remember having before it even came to the united States. My father brought it back from Germany and it has not really changed in design. or shape that it is held in. Its funny to think I was enjoying something that years later would almost become a phenomenon in this country. I find that with a lot of products I loved pomegranate as Kiwis and so many other things that didn't become big until recently. I ask myself if the competition with drive the price up or down of this product. along with that I have always enjoyed the simple design of the container. Having a Dark N and the the rest of the letters a simple bright vibrant red. simple elegant but is so recognizable.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

what I learned...

  A response I wrote to someones opinion on public schooling and home schooling. They misspelled the word obnoxious which explains my first sentence.

First and foremost we will blame the misspell of obnoxious on technology and on public schools and their lack of teaching spelling in the classroom. How can someone write a blog that is so equidistant on public schools and private schools. Unless you have attended both a private school and a public school. With that said over educated and uneducated students have come from both private schools, public schools and homeschooling. What I can say is that there are several things that I learned from homeschooling and private schools.

1. how to look at things- public schools only teach you how to get over an obstacle long enough to graduate. Private schools and homeschooling teach you how to break through the obstacle and use it to create a new footing and foundation that you can use for a lifetime. Parents teach you how to look at something in order to get the most out of it. Schools only teach you methods of how to study/memorize the situation, class, lecture, vocabulary ect.

2. how to think- Parents teach a student ( their child) how to think in order to grasp something and fully understand it. Public schools only teach how to memorize it long enough to take an exam on it. Never in a public school has a teacher realized that I learned differently and worked with me so that I could actually learn something. A teacher is not an expert on how you learn. Only you yourself can figure out what works best for you in order to learn. Parents teach you how to think in order to learn things till you are old enough to figure out what learning method works best for you.

At one point teachers were out there to inspire and motivate us. Now most are only out to simply present the material and nothing more. There may be some exceptions out there and excellent for those Teachers. I found that most of my learning came from the curiosity that was instilled by my Parents emphasizing the importance of not just memorizing something but grasping it entirely.

Teachers told me they could not teach me because I was different/special when it came to the way I learned things.

parents not only told me but taught me many different ways to learn things because I was different/special.
-Steven Johnson-

I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.
-Franklin P. Adams-

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.
-Albert Einstein-

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
-Mark Twain-

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.
-Margaret Mead-

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A well Ground coffee makes for a well rounded coffee....

       All right well its been sometime since I have posted anything so here goes. First and foremost I absolutely love coffee and not only for its caffeine. I have been drinking coffee for the better part of the last 18-19 years yes that means I have been consuming Coffee since I was almost three ish four ish. I am Colombian and its just a part of me. Sometimes I wonder if they were to draw blood from me if there were days where they would get coffee instead due to the high quantity that I drink. I will openly admit I am an addict to it and if I do not get it I get the regular caffeine headaches as a result of the withdraw.

      I will also admit that there is difference in how much you pay for coffee and that your are going to get what you pay for. Buying cheap coffee is no different then going to your backyard filling up a coffee filter and brewing that instead of grounds. But what bothers me is that a regular black cup of coffee at for instance Starbucks is several dollars and even at Thorntons or McDonald is a little over a dollar. When if you just made it at home would be less then a 25 Cents a cup. And i assure you its better then what is at any fast food restaurant. I understand that we get busy and feel like we don't have the time to make a pot of coffee. But you would be amazed how much it saves you. That and how people have popularized coffee and branded it like NIKE or some other company.

        Simply by adding vanilla and whipped cream and chocolate shavings and milk pouring it into a symbolized cup can make it a 6 dollar cup of coffee. That is in my mind insane. Its like something telling you or changing the price of a bag of chips (all ready grotesquely overpriced as it is) in a vending machine to 6 dollars. i certainly would not buy it. Along with that I will have to have a post about a NEW or so called NEW product that is hitting the stores by demand and how name branding something allows you to charge so much for something. I mean it is up to the buyer to spend or shop for a better deal.

      I ask myself if someday will i design a logo for something that will cause it to be the name brand of that product the go to number one. Would I buy the product that holds the label that I designed. That caused that product to inflate in price. I honestly wonder I mean there are other factors that play in it like the quality of the product in the jar. and other things.. Advertising sells us something that isn't there, commercials show things that are unrealistic. I watch a folders commercial and pouring a glass of coffee has never been that elegant to me.

One thing is for certain coffee does not taste like it smells. That is a black cup of coffee sure if you add all the sugar and cream and milk and syrup it will taste like it smells, But a good old cup of black coffee is yet to taste like it smells. I tell you what though I also imagine what would happen if they ever figured out what a cup of coffee would taste like if it tasted like it smelled. In my opinion it would be absolutely mind blowing.
coffee anyone

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

doritos anyone...

 old style
 New style

I was sitting in the upper part of c building when i realized  that. Some things change in logos that are very subtle and in one case is the doritos triangle that is now found on the doritos. Along with the font of the words used have changed and i honestly don't like it i like the older version of the doritos advertisement. Some logos have stayed pretty much unchanged for the entirety of there life for instance the Nike swoosh has not changed and for the most part the font has not changed for all of its life.  Its like the old M for McDonalds if they were to change to the old English m and not the arched m that we have all come to see. There are things that we are so accustomed to that if it were changed. It would almost becomes distracting if it were changed. To me the new doritos advertisement almost makes it look like a nock off brand of doritos. I do not know if the new style has helped or hurt the name of the company but It makes me wonder what other brands that have stayed to one design style and font will change in the years to come.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dear social networking app or site.

Dear twitter Facebook and any other social networking app or site.
i am completely disgusted in what you have done to our youth....... and to our society.. you have ruined privacy in every sense. you deprive young ones from much needed sleep. You AWAKE teens up at any hour of the night to bleep,chirp,twit,tube,txt,kikked some random and spontaneous pointless thought of the day. You create this fake idea they the world wants to be your friend, and unless you respond immediately  your instantly unpopular... your worse to teens then police are to knocking on the door at 2 in the morning to deliver bad news.  you creep, climb, vault, slither, and slide, into every sliver of the privacy that exists... if any does exist any more. ive seen you take a hold and slowly drag down our youth you deprive them of independence and motivation.... you make anyone qualify as a friend..... even though those those two people have never met never had a one on one conversation.... never gone out to eat or for a movie... you sadly  change the meaning of being there for  a friend....

Saturday, February 15, 2014

something That i wrote a while ago about the growing up

I have sat and thought and realized. That thru the passage of time.
I am not the same person you used to know I'm no longer 18 what i said and did then was stupid and immature. Was most likely full of hatred and some sort of frustration. Towards life and others.

Almost five years has passed since we have talked. I still feel so many of those questions still lie unanswered that i used to ask myself. No one has seen me or really that i have not seen anyone. I realize we might as well be strangers. So much time has passed and we both lived our lives, we have most likely forgotten each other, Because i haven't been in your life and most definitely you haven't been in mine. Was i simply forgotten or was it to painful to think of where i was. For some reason i never heard from anyone and now i question where was everyone or anyone. For those who considered me friends or who i considered a friend. I know you were busy. And at the same time so was i, but yet the question still comes around?

Are we still compatible as friends? Or has to much time passed. Did you treat me wrongly or more likely did i treat you wrong. Was it something i said or did was it a gesture or a facial expression i gave you. Looking back i realize i have failed all to many times as a friend, not only in what i did, but what i said.

Looking thru these words and these many years. I now ask myself is making new friends even worth attempting all though somehow i have made new friends. Friends who i could have never made it through without. Yet i ask will i fail new friends as badly as i failed the old ones. Would my old friends even want me back. Would you even want to see me. Or has to much time passed and that door is all ready been sealed shut.

Surely i have said and done things to be considered as treating you badly or taking advantage of you.

Sadly no matter how many times i apologize it wouldn't be enough. It wouldn't get across the message of how truly sorry i am for my behaviors. I hope you realize with the passage of time people change and hopefully i have changed for the better. I promise I'm not the same person.

I also realize everyone around me has changed, and I'm still learning to accept that. I realize more then ever the world kept turning even though i was gone...

I'm still so very lost, but I'd like to think I'm not as full of hate and frustration as i once was when i was 18 All i want is a second chance. A chance to show I'm different. That I have changed and become someone everyone wants to know.

Thanks for reading whats on my mind....