Thursday, March 20, 2014

what I learned...

  A response I wrote to someones opinion on public schooling and home schooling. They misspelled the word obnoxious which explains my first sentence.

First and foremost we will blame the misspell of obnoxious on technology and on public schools and their lack of teaching spelling in the classroom. How can someone write a blog that is so equidistant on public schools and private schools. Unless you have attended both a private school and a public school. With that said over educated and uneducated students have come from both private schools, public schools and homeschooling. What I can say is that there are several things that I learned from homeschooling and private schools.

1. how to look at things- public schools only teach you how to get over an obstacle long enough to graduate. Private schools and homeschooling teach you how to break through the obstacle and use it to create a new footing and foundation that you can use for a lifetime. Parents teach you how to look at something in order to get the most out of it. Schools only teach you methods of how to study/memorize the situation, class, lecture, vocabulary ect.

2. how to think- Parents teach a student ( their child) how to think in order to grasp something and fully understand it. Public schools only teach how to memorize it long enough to take an exam on it. Never in a public school has a teacher realized that I learned differently and worked with me so that I could actually learn something. A teacher is not an expert on how you learn. Only you yourself can figure out what works best for you in order to learn. Parents teach you how to think in order to learn things till you are old enough to figure out what learning method works best for you.

At one point teachers were out there to inspire and motivate us. Now most are only out to simply present the material and nothing more. There may be some exceptions out there and excellent for those Teachers. I found that most of my learning came from the curiosity that was instilled by my Parents emphasizing the importance of not just memorizing something but grasping it entirely.

Teachers told me they could not teach me because I was different/special when it came to the way I learned things.

parents not only told me but taught me many different ways to learn things because I was different/special.
-Steven Johnson-

I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.
-Franklin P. Adams-

Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.
-Albert Einstein-

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
-Mark Twain-

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.
-Margaret Mead-

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