Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nutella the bread spread

Nutella something that up up until now has not been all that popular. and now everyone is trying to make there own. I see Hershey and jiff quickly joining the race of almond spreads. I remember having before it even came to the united States. My father brought it back from Germany and it has not really changed in design. or shape that it is held in. Its funny to think I was enjoying something that years later would almost become a phenomenon in this country. I find that with a lot of products I loved pomegranate as Kiwis and so many other things that didn't become big until recently. I ask myself if the competition with drive the price up or down of this product. along with that I have always enjoyed the simple design of the container. Having a Dark N and the the rest of the letters a simple bright vibrant red. simple elegant but is so recognizable.

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