Saturday, January 18, 2014

just a thought

It is Saturday at aproximately 11:30 and i am just sitting and doing some homework and going through the proccess of learning my new camera. I guess we have been asked to write posts about what something we smelled and how it made us instantly zoom back to an expirence we had. I guess some expirences that I had recently is walking into the library I smelled the I guess you could say regular smell of a library it brings me back to the library that I went to alot when I lived in Quincy.  Along with that it brings me back to sitting in the Library and reading or an even more innocent time where i would go and they would read a book to me along with other kids. They would have plays and or other interesting events for the community. There is a atmosphere created unlike any other found on earth that exists only in libraries. rows of books and almost a staleness to the air brought by the large quantity of books. I do not know what smells will make me relapse to a memory  and I guess we will find that out in the weeks to come.